Aloe Records

Poster by Zhang Cai


忘记是和 Sangtae 怎么认识的了。应该是在疫情期间,那时好多人还热衷于用 facebook 聊天,也是都没事干吧。他看到了我和颜峻在一家望京的酒吧表演照片,问我,啊为什么北京还能办活动,你们为什么也不带口罩… 哈哈,这可能就是地狱吧。后来,世界都恢复了正常。直到去年中旬,我们聊了聊现在即将发生的事。当然,首尔和北京说不上哪个才是地狱。或许是不同形态的地狱,M形与假平面。两个地狱需要用什么方式去过渡,淡入还是切入?我刚写下的字和即将写下的字之间会发生什么,存在缝隙吗,里面会有什么?可能会有这样的音乐吧。2005年前后,首尔有一小小部分人受大友良英等日本欧洲实验乐手的影响,开始做音乐、办小演出、发行唱片。他们分别使用拆开的电脑硬盘、CD机和mp3播放机,无黑胶的唱机、打字机和发条马达装置演奏充满物质性的噪音(*并不是使用它们去演奏“音乐”,而是以即兴音乐的线索去创造结构,且革新了电声即兴 )。后来也就是在业界较为赫赫有名的“即兴四人”。当然并非只有四人。但从那以后,似乎大多数即兴乐手都希望发明属于自己的乐器。老实说,我不认为这样的音乐是从美好中出现的。它带着电和火,从亚洲高速资本主义的地狱而来。这是地下噪音与欧洲式电声即兴直切转折下形成的机器即兴音乐。这种风潮在2015年左右淡出,也有变化了。秦相太(Jin Sangtae)使用拆开后的电脑硬盘,从各种方向发展它,用了近20年。最近两年,他喜欢把光打硬盘上,反光在墙上投射,跟着硬盘旋转变化。他的组织 “dotolim’’ 音乐会做了16年,刚完成180场。我觉得他是一个喜欢坚持的人。不知道他喜不喜欢过程艺术。此外,他自 2015 年起,他以 <Y.ear> 项目发布每日 1 分钟的录音作品,每天一首,今天还有。崔峻溶 (Choi Joonyong)除了使用CD机和mp3播放机以外,他还用许多东西:乒乓球、保龄球、毛毯、化学用品等等。有几次,他使用吉他反馈,但电吉他放在架子上,他推着扬声器,走动到场地的不同地方。不久前,Erstwhile Records 发行了他和 Devin DiSanto 的新专辑。他非常激浪,也很噪音(毕竟是韩国第一个噪音组合成员)。同时也分别是慢核、厄运金属乐队的成员。“即兴四分之二” 将要访问北京了,也是他们第一次来中国。我相信和北京实验音乐场景有很多共同点。我们会在12-13号表演三场活动,不知道他们会带来什么。很期待。(文:孙一舟)


April 12, 2024

Jin Sangtae, Sun Yizhou, Zhu Wenbo+Zhao Cong, Yan Jun+ Choi Joonyong

Aloe on-site 9



April 13 afternoon, 2024

Sun Yizhou+Jin Sangtae, Choi Joonyong, Da Hong

miji concert#79

studio h, Beijing


April 13 night, 2024

Jin Sangtae+Choi Joonyong

雜草 Zacao Music Festival

oneiro space, Beijing


April 14, 2024

Sun Yizhou, Jin Sangtae, Jun-Y Ciao+Jin Sangtae, Shu Ride, Mai Mai+Zhu Songjie, Torturing Nurse

trigger, Shanghai


Jin Sangtae 

was Born in Seoul, South Korea, this individual has been active as a composer and performer since 2004, after deciding to change their musical direction and draw inspiration from noise and improvisational music. Based on experiences with objects and space, he has been reconstructing materials not typically considered as musical instruments in their unique way. Among these, the hard drives which he discovered while working at the Seoul electronics market, have become his signature instrument. Combined and expanded with synthesizers, it has undergone various modifications, and recently, he has been experimenting with audiovisual performances that incorporate light, shadow, and reflection. Furthermore, since 2015, he has been continuing the work of releasing a 1-minute recording daily under the project <Y.ear>, and he has been active as an audiovisual duo called ‘Joongganja’ (meaning ‘meson’) with visual artist Inkyung Kim since 2019.

As an organizer, He founded and operated ‘dotolim’ the first domestic venue dedicated to improvised/experimental music in 2008. Since then, In 2012, 2013, and 2017, he also organised ‘dotolimpic,’ the improvised/experimental music festival.



Choi Joonyong

Choi Joonyong is from Seoul, South Korea. He founded Astronoise(the first noise project in Korea) with Hong Chulki in 1996. He is interested in control and failure of playing by improvisation and composition. Recently he is working on performances focusing on inferior sound/playing. He has released solo albums such as DANTHRAX which is made with malfunctioning of CD-player. A duo album with Jin Sangtae was released from Erstwhile Records in 2020. He has been producing and designing albums of a label called ‘Balloon & Needle’ since 2000. He is also a member of a slowcore band ‘Through the Sloe’ and a doom metal band ‘Vomit & Tear’.
