Aloe Records

2024年2月27日(二) at 团结湖 小野空间, Beijing

19:00 open|19:30 start

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Marcus Beuter+Yan Jun

two solos and one duo

Marcus Beuter 声音艺术家、即兴乐手和电声音乐作曲者。他热爱各种来源的声音,并用他收集的实地录音进行现场演奏。他还喜欢旅行,喜欢在任何地方与人见面。目前,他正从里海前往日本。如果不旅行,他就住在德国的一间小屋里。详见

is sound artist, improviser and composer of electro-acoustic music. He loves sound of all origins and plays live with his collection of field rfecordings. He also loves travels and meeting people where ever he is. Currently on a trip from the Caspian Sea towards Japan. If he is not on a travel he lives in a hut in Germany.

颜峻 生于兰州,住在北京,做实验性的音乐,有时候不是音乐。详见

a musician and poet based in beijing. he works on experimental music and improvised music. he uses noise, field recording, body and concept as materials. sometimes he goes to audience’s home for playing a plastic bag. “i wish i was a piece of field recording.”